A One-of-a-Kind Approach to Getting Healthy

I’ve long been a fan of Rose Cole’s one-of-a-kind approach to living healthy. We’ve traveled together, hung out, cooked together and reveled in the joy of healthy living!

A holistic nutrition coach, certified nutrition consultant, and certified natural health professional, Rose has helped clients use her step-by-step natural methods to overcome their health obstacles, achieve permanent weight loss without dieting, and increase their energy so they can take back control of their life and health. She is an inspiration to me and the thousands she’s helped lose weight, regain confidence, increase energy and assist in healing serious health issues when MDs couldn’t do the job!

Rose endorses a healthy, holistic lifestyle that acts as a powerful form of prevention against myriad serious diseases. I firmly believe that Rose’s action plan is what we all need to be moving towards.

In Good Company

It came as no surprise to me that in the new book, Audacious Aging, Rose would share the limelight with luminaries like Deepak Chopra, Dr. Christian Northrup, Andrew Weil, Gloria Steinem, Dominick Dunne, Helen Gurley Brown and others. The book is all about redefining vitality in the later years of life – an important topic for all of us to embrace!

In the book, Rose shares her story of moving from a sugar addicted, psoriasis suffering fashion model to the sought after health professional she’s become by choosing food that promotes “thriving instead of surviving.”

Take Advantage of a Special Offer from Rose!

In honor of the launch of Audacious Aging, Rose is offering a free virtual workshop entitled “Turn Back the Clock with Anti-Aging Remedies,” PLUS a $100 off of her amazing “7 Weeks To Super Skin Program.” Which is an awesome program, I have seen the results and they are truly amazing.

Donate Seamlessly to CARE

It also comes as no surprise that Rose would donate 100% of the proceeds from her book – when it’s bought on www.wellnesswithrose.com – to CARE (www.care.org). CARE is a humanitarian organization fighting global poverty with a focus on women.

If you want to get into prevention today, I highly recommend picking up a copy of Rose’s new book Audacious Aging!

Laura Klein is a trained chef with roots in the organic food movement and brings intelligence, intoxicating energy and ... More about Laura Klein, Chef & Wellness Expert