It’s the 93rd Carnival of the Green!
Celebrate Organic Harvest Month this September with The 93rd Carnival of Green! A special thanks goes out to last week’s hosts Greener Magazine and be sure to check out next week’s host: Camphor . And if you want to share your green tidbits, with the roving carnival check outTreeHugger to get the details.
If you live in LA and want to schmooze and mingle with like minded eco-entrepreneurs, come support Laura Klein as she gives her Get Healthy, with Green Living, presentation to LA’s Yes! Group. For exact agenda for the evening and to make a mandatory RSVP (limited seating) please visit site. We would love to see you in person!
Here we go!
Nina over at Queer Cents writes about McMansions and the Carbon Tax . John Dingell seeks to ‘remove the mortgage interest deduction on McMansions — homes over 3,000 square feet.’ Dingell said he recognizes that such a proposal will spark much criticism, but he also said it is essential to reducing carbon emissions by 60 percent to 80 percent by 2050.”
Leon Gettler of Sox First discusses water issues in Paying for the last drop . When there’s no water because of climate change, you can do only two things: pray for rain, or pay more. And it looks like more and more people will be forced down the second route. In this interview, Paul Butler, managing director of South East Water in the UK says people will have to pay more for water.
Sally Kneidel, PhD, writes about why Getting “greener” is tough for rural Africans who have to scrabble for the basics, like food and building materials. On Veggie Revolution this week, read about the Kneidels’ stay in a small village living on the edge. How do Americans’ SUVs affect the supply of river sand for African building blocks? The Africans laid it out plainly….
Nick Aster at TriplePundit writes: This week Pablo gets to the bottom of the sea of information on wave power and related technologies!
The 21st Century Citizen discusses the hot money saving topic: How to Calculate the Savings from using Compact Fluorescent Light (CFL) Bulbs.
Alvaro Fernandez of Brain Fitness Blog writes a review and commentary on several New York Times articles related to “brain training”…going beyond drugs into natural “brain exercises” we can all practice.
Marilyn Terrell of Inhabitat reminds us of global park(ing) day Sept 21– take back the parking spaces!
Kali Justus of Intelligent Travel, tells us about Adirondacks Land Deal, Nature Conservancy saves last big piece of private land in the Adirondacks.
Donald W. Bosch,, CDR, NAVWARCOL over at the Evangelical Ecologist, takes a bit of a departure this week and discusses: What sort of environment can you explore that includes old Navy airplanes and three pounds of crab? Check out the pictures of Don’s trip this week to Pensacola, Florida.
Read about the Top Three Free Reports on Green Building Costs. Brought to you by Preston D Koerner of Jetson Green
Contemplate Mark Powell’s: the essential truth of fishing in New England? Grizzled men trawling in a gale? Sorry, it’s a subsidy-bloated fleet dependent on unsustainable over fishing? It’s…the over fishing entitlement.
Read Judy Kingsbury’s postof the Savvy Vegetarian: Life Without Bees: Why The Honey Bees Are Disappearing . AND check out why Healthy Eating Means No GMOs
Check out this exciting digest written by Ali Kriscenski, Water-purifying drinking container. Good design can save lives and improve human society. That’s the thought behind the Solar Bottle by Italian designers Alberto Medo and Francisco Gomez Paz. Winner of a 2007 INDEX award, the sleekly designed Solar Bottle uses simple solar technology to purify dirty drinking water and prevent water-born diseases.
Amanda Rose writes about the possible decertification of the Aurora organic mega-dairy This video eulogy to the Vander Eyk organic dairy (decertified earlier this summer) provides viewers with background on some of the issues involved. It includes exclusive footage of the Vander Eyk dairy and their apparent solution to the pasture requirement.
GP at the Fish Creek House writes about his experience as an avid trail runner and rider. This is a subject near and dear to this intrepid innkeeper’s heart. Leave a space in better shape when you leave than when you came in aka, Leave No Trace .
Adam Williams submits some articles for Carnival of Green from Life Goggles that might be useful for you! 100 Ways To Save The Planet , Recycling Officer Interview
Joel Williams writes, Are You Suffering From Green Fatigue ?
Jordan at Acton Institute PowerBlog writes about the Speculation on the relationship between stewardship, economic motivation, and divine mandates.
Riversider, of Save The Ribble, writes about the Riverworks Bizarre Floating Homes Plan .
Check out Tiffany Washko of Natural Family Living Blog teaches you how to Green Your Finances .
Phil for Humanity discusses The Predicted Economy of the United States of America
That’s it folks for this week’s 93rd Carnival of Green! Remember celebrate Organic Harvest Month this September by going organic!