Laura’s Favs: Tweets and Comments (April 27, 2012)
We hope you have enjoyed our two-week Earth Day celebration! Please join us tomorrow for a free live online cooking lesson, we’d love to “meet” you! Thanks for all the wonderful comments and pictures over the past 14 days, we’ve had a blast reading them. As always, we feel blessed to have the best online organic community on the web. See you tomorrow!
If you have any thoughts or ideas about how we can improve, please share.
Here are some of our favorite social network highlights from the week:
- @RevAct: Great profile of one of our fave #healthy #revolutionaries, @chefannc! via @OrganicAuthorit #SchoolLunch #EarthDay
- @PinkCupcake22: @OrganicAuthorit Me and my son at The Iberian Pig in Decatur GA – features some delicious local eats! #OAEarthDay
- @cheflawrence: @OrganicAuthorit God made the earth perfect. The more we mess with it, the worse it gets. If I had enemies, they would be Monsanto & ConAgra
- @360chick: @OrganicAuthorit oh yes, KALE, the sexy food right?:)
- @WholeFoodsPR: #EarthDay may be behind us, but we celebrate Earth Month! Snap and post a photo of local eats to #OAEarthDay for prize from @OrganicAuthorit
Our Facebook Favs of the Week:
- God Made Food Fabulous resource to growing our own gardens! Thank you!
- Nettie Nettie Bobettie The best site on FB! I have learned SO MUCH from you! Keep it up! ?
- Katherine Taylor My Dad has parkinsons and recently noticed his eyes being red from processed bread. I’ve got him off the bread and his eyes are better, now i’m going to force him into an organic diet, any thing that can make a difference has to be a positive thing x
- Nick Wolff Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm Ratatouille.
- Frederica Huxley The end results are delicious! The most convenient snack food.
See you in Tweet Land or on the “Wall!”