Laura’s Favs: Tweets and Comments (July 29, 2011)

We are so close to being 14,000 strong on Facebook! Thank you so much for making our site and social networks so full of life! You always provide such great insight for us and others into the true lives of organic foodies. Keep it up and have a wonderful weekend.

Also, check out our OA Everyday Eco Star! Her name is Danielle, but she goes by the name of The Glamorganic Goddess on her blog! Her story is amazing, and you can read all about her right here! Congrats! Check out her new blog for us here, as well!

Here are some of our favorite social network highlights from the week:

Our Twitter Favs of the Week:

  • @gonzolution: @OrganicAuthorit The @FDA is a business. But I hope they are planning for a revolution. It is coming…..#Gonzolution
  • @ourtownzip: @OrganicAuthorit me too! Making raspberry jam from my garden and love sharing with friends!
  • @figandsage: JUST had this same conversation w/ hubs this weekend: American Cheese: Neither American Nor Cheese: via @organicauthorit
  • @simplyrurban: Cant wait 2 try some of these w/the kids gr8 holiday gifts 5 Super Cool Reusable Bags 2 Make 2day: via @organicauthorit
  • @jasonpalinchef: @OrganicAuthorit that’s so true you can have a holiday of gastronomy in your own kitchen!!!
  • @iverocious: @OrganicAuthorit You have some of the most fantabulous tweets!

Our Facebook Favs of the Week:

  • Kayla Robinson I’m sorry but I hate the FDA. Lol. Anything they say goes in one ear and out the other…
  • Kim’s Weight Loss PageThanks so much for sharing recipes! I love love horchata and can’t wait to try it!
  • Kelly Romanowski Came across your page by accident..A Good accident..
  • Bart Richey We have our dog on grain free dog food, that is 100% natural meat and veggies, no additives. We also feed him raw meat, soupbones, liver and heart. He loves the raw stuff, but get a little added nutrients from his normal food. Oh, and he loves raw veggies.
  • Nancy Jean Walton That and Pumpkin Seeds were my favorite snack when I was 19 – still today I enjoy them!

See you in Tweet Land or on the “Wall!”
