Laura’s Favs: Tweets and Comments (March 15, 2013)

Happy Friday everyone! If you’re new to OA, we take time once a week to thank our fans for all the posts, comments, and tweets they leave us every week. Don’t forget to follow us on Pinterest and Google+ to stay up to date on all our social networks! Thank you all 🙂 Have a wonderful weekend!

If you have any thoughts or ideas about how we can improve, please share.

Here are some of our favorite social network highlights from the week:

Our Twitter Favs of the Week:

  • @CANCANCleanse: Great post! RT @OrganicAuthorit: Top 3 Tips For Choosing A Water Filter
  • @blisstreedotcom: We’re intrigued! RT @OrganicAuthorit: Vegan Charcuterie? Hell Yes!
  • @ExperienceLife: Agree w/ @OrganicAuthorit that lifting weights is not just for men. Ladies, are you pumping iron?
  • @Hungry_Runner: Great read from @OrganicAuthorit about new research that highlights the #health risks of too much added sugar
  • lexirodrigo: @OrganicAuthorit Definitely! I’ve used salt a lot to scrub stuff, but never down the drain 🙂 RE: 4 Ways to Clean Your House With Salt

Our Facebook Favs of the Week:

  • Mona Bradley Goodwin There is no guarantee that it won’t contaminate all the wild salmon…and so on and so on. Once that is out it will be catastrophic for all that live in the ocean…and for us. This saddens me greatly. RE: GMO Frankenfish Not Appetizing to America’s Top Chefs

See you in Tweet Land or on the Wall!
