March 2011 OA Everyday Eco Star: Kristen Conner Pardue

We are very happy to announce that Kristen Conner Pardue is our March OA Everyday Eco Star! Congratualtions! Here is her winning entry that our wonderful organic community voted in!
“Hi, my name is Kristen Pardue, and I live in Nashville, TN with my husband. What inspired me to go organic was my health falling apart about a year ago. I have always been healthy but all of a sudden, I was having extreme joint pain, swelling, tingling/numbness in my hands, and twitching throughout my body.
After seeing multiple Drs. who couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I eliminated gluten from my diet & switched to organic produce, meat, & just about everything else. My pain started disappearing. My alternative Dr. tested me & found that I also had heavy metals in my body (most people do these days, unfortunately).
Through all of my research about my health problems, I have gotten rid of everything in our house that has toxic chemicals in it, and I use green cleaners. My beauty products are even green. I started reading the ingredients list in my lotions, shampoos, etc and realized just how toxic our world has become.
Since I have performed a makeover on our food and products in our house, I feel 100% better. I don’t believe anyone should live their entire lives in pain or be forced to take medication for something that can be healed through a food makeover. My passion is to help others heal themselves.”
We at Organic Authority are truly inspired by her story, and thrilled that her organic lifestyle has had such a positive impact on her life. We don’t want to lose sight of our other fantastic entries, though. A special thanks is in order to Shannon Girouard-Fogl, Dawn Duncan Gessner, Brianne De Leon, Martin Smetsers, Jennifer Downing Bokma, Amber Doran Taylor, and Michele Halle for their fantastic stories that you can read here.
You can also follow Kristen on Twitter.
Stay tuned for instructions on how to enter to be April’s OA Everyday Eco Star, coming soon!