From Our Friends: Earth Day 2011 Edition!

Happy Earth Day! In celebration, we have assembled some of our favorite ED-related articles from our friends around the web to share with you. Whether you enjoy fashion, coffee or just flat out partying, we’ve got you covered! So put on your favorite eco-outfit and hit the town tonight. Have a great weekend!

1. Looking for some great up-and-coming eco-fashion? Gloss has your essential guide to Earth Day fashion, minus the granola.

2. Rodale News has 7 key trends that will affect your health, and the health of your planet.

3. If you live in San Francisco, you need to try and go to Eco-Salon’s killer party tonight!

4. According to BlissTree, TLC’s Extreme Couponing show is no friend of Earth Day.

5. ATTN Coffee Fans: Starbucks is celebrating Earth Day by giving away FREE coffee to customers that bring in their own reusable mugs!
