Is The Old Spice Guy Vegan?
Quick, imagine a vegan guy. Let me guess what pops into your head: a scrawny, pale artist with horn-rimmed glasses whose closest brush with fame was playing in a mopey indie rock band. Yeah, that’s what I thought of, too. How’s this for a new vegan poster man: a tall, dark, and ruggedly handsome NFL star who can melt hearts with his confident baritone. Yeah, that’s right: the Old Spice Guy.
Ecorazzi scooped some tweets from Isaiah Mustafa, the actor who plays the Old Spice Guy, that suggest he’s trying a vegan diet. If it’s true, Mr. Mustafa, we’ve got a couple recipes for you.
Our Easy Lentil Salad with Radicchio and Veggies is a high protein, low-fat power salad that will leave you feeling like a man, man.
If you want something warmer, try our Vegetarian Chili recipe. Nothing but beans, tomatoes, veggies, broth, and spices. Yum!
For breakfast, dessert, or anything in between, use our Raw Almond Butter recipe. It’s simple, vegan, raw, and super tasty.
Image Credit: Graeme Douglas