Government Shutdown Means Wisconsin Could Run Out Of Food Stamps
Thanks to the continued Government shutdown, families in Wisconsin may find themselves without sufficient funds for food.
Much has been made of the ripple effects of the Government shutdown, which has impacted everything from food safety to National Parks. Hundreds of thousands of Federal employees are out of work, up until recently without pay, and it has interrupted everything from scientific research to social assistance programs like SNAP.
While politicians continue their glorified staring contest, however, American families are hurting. In Wisconsin, officials have warned that if a resolution to the Government shutdown isn’t found by October 17th, 900,000 families will find themselves without food stamps.
According to Sherrie Tussler, executive director of Wisconsin’s Hunger Task Force, November benefits could be interrupted if politicians can’t arrive at a solution within the next 10 days.
“She warned that the loss of FoodShare benefits will hurt not just those who typically rely on them for food, but will also damage the economy, especially grocers and others in the food industry,” reports the Wisconsin State Journal.
Wisconsin families spend approximately $178,000,000 in benefits on food each month.
Related on Organic Authority:
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