Raw Food Detox Diet – Day 45

On July 1st last year, I made a 180 in my life. After becoming progressively ill during the previous decade, I decided it was time to get serious about healing. I knew the first thing that had to go was my diet. So I took the plunge. I went raw. What follows is day 45 of this new way of living life. Today, a year and a half later, I am continuing with a mostly raw food diet and loving it.

July 15, 2006

Saturday. Got up at 6:30 am, normally an anomaly — I think it’s a sign I am improving. Had a super green drink (it’s a powder — love ‘em, although Natalia, author of “The Raw Food Detox Diet,” is not too hip on them). Then I dusted off the juicer for the first time in 2 years and juiced some apples, carrots, kale and lemon. After the farmer’s market and a lovely peach or two (I have a crush on the only organic farmer there, but alas, he has a girlfriend), I went to the health food store to buy more healthy staples to replace the old, disgusting ones I tossed. Then, surprise, in the middle of the store, diarrhea struck. Oops. Guess I shouldn’t have followed up the colonic I had yesterday with copious amounts of fruit today. Either a big detox no-no or maybe it just helped speed up the process. Haven’t decided which.

Had a ton of yummy granola made by a local bakery after that episode. I am absolutely positive it was the right thing to, er, —not— do. (Note to self: mess-ups are okay.) Then I made a rebound with a salad I’ve made probably too many times, which did not excite me at all I must say. Learning to make veggies appealing and varied takes diligence. But, I’m tired of feeling like a blob of mud! So dammit, I’m gonna learn. Had another horribly low energy attack around 2 and had to take a two hour nap. I’ve read that napping is to be expected when detoxing, but I attribute this particular nap to a sugar crash resulting from above mentioned granola.

I worked on my 100 year old house a little, then made a raw dinner for my sister and I (Zack is camping with his dad). I decided on tweaking the recipes for salsa and guacamole from Natalia’s raw food book. I figured my gut wasn’t ready for jalapenos yet, so I used fresh ground black pepper and crushed red pepper instead and, yowsa! I did good. Sherri was in love with the guacamole. I ate just a ton of the salsa. Thing is, when you make a dinner of vegetables, no matter how you slice it (sorry), you can eat as much as you want. Gotta love that. Later, I had half of a Green and Black’s 70% chocolate bar (it seems I am doomed to candida for now) and even later, I whipped up my own banana/chocolate shake: I banana, one heaping tablespoon no-fat cocoa (got it from health food store – brand name; “Wonderslim” – great freakin’ idea!), ice, and I tablespoon splenda; blend with hand mixer.

I don’t have to forgo goodies with this lifestyle at all (I hate calling it a diet — I am NOT dieting, I am simply eating healthy! Uh, -er, that is. 🙂 I’ve been eating sinfully good desserts that I make in the blender or with the hand mixer like this on a fairly regular basis.

I love this way of eating. I hope you will, too.

–Tamlyn Jordan
