From Our Friends: December 26, 2014

Whew. I’m tired. The holidays are tiring. I hope you’re kicking back and relaxing today, and reading this from home. Perhaps you’re planning on doing some online shopping, or better yet – you’re planning for the New Year. Whatever you’ve decided to do, make sure you put “read this week’s From Our Friends” on your list, too.
This week’s post has a link to an article about materialistic kids, a tutorial on how to make handmade bows, a post about breastfeeding, a heartwarming story about an awesome police chief, and a post about running. Also: a shrub recipe and a post about how to approach winter.
1. Uh, oh. You very well may be the reason your kids are materialistic. Treehugger has all the info.
2. Sure, the holidays are over. But that doesn’t mean you won’t be wrapping another present in the coming year. (Darn you, birthdays). Crafting a Green World has some great tips on how to make handmade bows.
3. Hey, new moms. You may be able to drink when breastfeeding, but should you? Slate has some of the information about the situation, just in time for New Year.
4. Could this possibly be the best police chief ever? We think so. Get the story over at HooplaHa.
5. Practice does make perfect – for runners, at least. Via Fit Bottomed Girls.
6. Looking for a non-alcoholic drink to serve on New Year’s Eve? Mother Earth News has you covered. Give this Raspberry Shrub Recipe a shot.
7. Sure, the first day of winter was almost a week ago, but you can still take this great advice from Refinery29.
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Image: Miguel Virkkunen Carvalho