Laura’s Favs: Tweets and Comments (December 27, 2013)

Happy Friday everyone! If you’re new to OA, we take time once a week to thank our fans for all the posts, comments, and tweets they leave us every week.
Remember to follow us on Pinterest and Google+ to stay up to date on all our social networks! Thank you all 🙂 Have a wonderful weekend!
If you have any thoughts or ideas about how we can improve, please share.
Here are some of our favorite social network highlights from the week:
- Suzanne Lively @LivelyInsight: @OrganicAuthorit Sounds amazing! [Chocolate Cake Recipe with Winter Squash & Ginger Chocolate Glaze]
Delicious Planet @deliciousdetox: does this look good to you? It’s time to DETOX Jell-O Salad and 6 Other Freaky Holiday Foods … via @organicauthorit
Wellness Reboot @WellnessReboot: Need help learning to relax? Try these 4 techniques VIA @OrganicAuthorit
FromTheGroundUp @GrndUpWellness: In LOVE with the beautiful bottle of @GIVESCENT that came in my @ecosalon box. #newfavescent#safecosmetics@OrganicAuthorit
kevin russell@kevinrns: @OrganicAuthorit@tweetishcitizen agreed, and its awful we need a special word to mean “not poisoned” [EU to Restrict Common U.S. Pesticides Linked to Neurological Damage ]

Our Facebook Favs of the Week:
- Alice Aleman-Fisher A must read! Grow your own fruits & veggies. [EU to Restrict Common U.S. Pesticides Linked to Neurological Damage]
- Sue Vican Guess you don’t have to cross the border to get cheap meds anymore…..just have a drink! [Great Lakes Full of Prescription Drugs & Chemicals]
- Suzanne L Miles My fave is purple sweet potatoes. With coconut oil, salt and cinnamon. Mmmmm [Which Potato Makes the Best Mashed Potatoes?]
- Animefood Carmilla I’m not a fan of using starches like tapioca and potato (especially if a person doesn’t have celiac) but dang I appreciate all the other ones. Especially the oat one and the buckwheat one. A vegan/rawist can get tired of nuts for real lol [10 Gluten Free Pie Crust Recipes for the Holidays]
- Square Foot Gardening 4 U LOL my family is now used to me POPPING up off the sofa to do a “chore” while the commercial is on, but I think I scared my son’s girlfriend. [13 Cleaning Hacks: How to Clean Fast & Get Back to Life]
See you in Tweet Land or on the Wall!