Laura’s Favs: Tweets and Comments (November 11, 2011)

This week we are excited to have a special opportunity to connect with our fans! We are hosting a LIVE cooking lesson online tomorrow, completely free of charge. If you have a webcam and Google+, we can even watch you cook with us! If not, the whole thing will be streaming live on Ustream. Check out all the details here; we can’t wait to meet you!

Also, check out our OA Everyday Eco Star! Her name is Danielle, but she goes by the name of The Glamorganic Goddess on her blog! Her story is amazing, and you can read all about her right here! Congrats! Check out her new blog for us here, as well!

Here are some of our favorite social network highlights from the week:

Our Twitter Favs of the Week:

  • @TopShelfNetwork: Hi @OrganicAuthorit, thanks for the follow! LOVE LOVE LOVE your website!
  • @1planet1health: @OrganicAuthorit and Red Kuri squash. and Blue Hubbard. I LOVE FALL SO MUCH!
  • @FTBHealth: @OrganicAuthorit Great article! People need to know what vitamins to take. People can compare each mineral or vitamin
  • @HAEScoach: @OrganicAuthorit by using a good quality, made to drugs standards supplement, they work with a good diet! #USANA
  • @gpdb: Cook something bold today! This #Organic Autumn stew has pumpkins and wonderful seasoning! Thanks to @OrganicAuthorit

Our Facebook Favs of the Week:

  • Go Kaleo I LOVE kabocha, I’m pretty sure I could live on it happily for the rest of my life.

  • Christine Arredondo I agree, sadly, the days of getting all your nutrition from diet are over. Soils are depleted, crops are genetically modified (and you don’t even know it) and there are so many toxins in your food. You no longer are able to get the nutrition you need from diet alone. The vast majority of Americans are deficient in some essential vitamins… further proof that diet alone just doesn’t cut it.
  • Jason Sents I heard about this place when I was in Reno a few weeks ago. I bet one of those things has a really low sodium content. /sarcasm OFF

  • Susan Brooks DeSisto If that happened in the US they wouldn’t even be brought to trial! Yay, Canada!
  • Karen Dubin Hazelwood-Dantone Also check out “Sick, Fat and Nearly Dead.” Great movie. Very inspiring.

See you in Tweet Land or on the “Wall!”
