Thank You For Helping Us Grow!

This week was another special one for Organic Authority: We now have over 8,000 friends on our Facebook page! We are loving how big our community is growing, and especially how vocal you all are! Every time you comment, post, share, tweet or re-tweet, it validates everything we do. OA is here because of YOU. Also, Don’t forget that we are looking for an Everyday Eco Star. It could be YOU!

If you have any thoughts or ideas about how we can improve, please share! So this week, we thank YOU for the inspiration!

Here are some of our favorite social network highlights from the week:

Our Twitter Favs of the Week:

  • @annekejong: yes! i make a killer avocado cream pie RT @OrganicAuthorit: Who Needs Butter for Baking When You Have Avocado?
  • @gLadySF: green pastries may go well for st. patty treats RT @OrganicAuthorit: Who Needs Butter for Baking When You Have Avocado?
  • @yayalovesearth: hahaha @OrganicAuthorit gets naughty with vegetables. you’d never find these at a conventional farm! #organicfood
  • @yumivore: The pomelo- the patriarch of the citrus family via @OrganicAuthorit
  • @LoriRose217: Best way I can think of not to get sick Sexual Healing for Cold & Flu Prevention: via @OrganicAuthorit
  • @morenofritz: @OrganicAuthorit great info for a spilling clutz! Oh yeah, that would be me!

Our Facebook Favs of the Week:

We love when members of our community are able to reach out and help each other. Here are some of our favorite Facebook posts from the last week:

  • Lori Wilson Unitt I’m going to make the chocolate mask. I’ve been reading how caffiene is great for the skin, esp. skin cancer! Thanks for the recipe.
  • Kate Sprague I don’t shop at WF, but we do buy mostly organic and I still spend less than my friends on groceries. Its amazing how much you can save when you don’t buy poptarts and doritos.
  • Lori Ventura Gomillion Balkin I was shocked at how many organic products including produce & meats Target has now. Also Costco. Lucky for me we have an independent grocery way better then WF.
  • Jessie Stanion THANK YOU! Whole Foods is definitely NOT overpriced as long as you buy the right foods. Sure, pre-packaged organic groceries can get steep, but if you actually buy *ahem* “whole foods” (dry beans, in-season/local fruit and veggies, local milk cheese and eggs) you can certainly save money and feed yourself and your family healthful and delicious food.

    AND, even if there are types of food that are more expensive from a natural foods market (milk, eggs, etc…), that is hardly the fault of the market or the supplier. If you don’t mind large scale factory farming, abused and hideously treated animals, pesticide and herbicide (aka neurotoxin) soaked vegetables with a fraction of the nutritional value, head on over to get that stuff for half the price at Wal-Mart. But you won’t be doing anyone any favors. Least of all yourself. Anyone who actually has shopped at Whole Foods knows that the bread is not $7.00. In fact, the organic 100% whole wheat bread that I regularly buy at W.F.’s is $3.49 and the same price if not less expensive than the additive-drenched junk at the regular supermarket. It is also not the least expensive W.F.’s loaf, I am just partial to it. Making excuses like that is simply a way for people to avoid responsibility and avoid taking the time to do the right thing for themselves, for the environment, the farmers, the livestock… I could go on.

  • Amber Haas After moving to Germany I was surprised to see that they allow dogs everywhere here. Malls, restaurants…kind of cool 🙂
  • Lisa D King great to know! Just finding out about the wonderful things avocados are! Still looking for a couple organic fruit bearing avocado trees. So far no one can stear me in the right direction!

See you in Tweet Land or on the “Wall!”
