6 Creative Ideas for Cleverly Displaying Your Photos

We all have those boxes and boxes of photographic prints in the attic and/or multitudes of flash drives filled with pictures to either have printed or to save to our cloud storage. Photography has never been this easy and accessible before–and that means there are many reasons to display your photos.

The reality is that the prevalence and ease of digital cameras does not necessarily take the chore out of sorting and utilizing those images to enjoy in our homes. Sure, we all post our vacation pics to Facebook and Instagram every minute of our lives, but how many of us actually incorporate those photographic memories into our homes? Sadly, it’s one of those tasks that is often left for a rainy day, but then is never actually attended to.

And that’s a darn shame, because photographs are meant to be savored and shared.

So to help us with the inspiration of tackling our photo projects, here are 6 great ideas for displaying your photos in your home.

1. Hanging Display

In an entryway, kitchen or other suitable spot, string up some Baker’s Twine for a rotating photo display. Use mini clothespins to hang your photos and swap out the photos on a schedule or according to the seasons. Here’s one way to create it from So Here’s My Life.

2. Decoupage!

Use modge podge for your photos and unexpected items as a canvas to create photographic art/memory decor. Ideas include: decoupaging the coffee table top with photos from your awesome vacation or decoupaging thrift store plates with portraits of your family members for a unique photographic wall display. Here’s a pin from Pinterest for inspiration.

3. Blow Them Up

Take a few of your favorite photographs and have them made into black and white poster prints, frame them in simple black frames and hang them along the stairway for a unique twist on an old idea. Take a look at what we mean at The Stir.

4. Inspiration Board

Create an inspiration board for pinning your photographs. DIY your own inspiration board from old picture frames and rolled cork board. Include postcards, maps, stickers, school ribbons and other keepsakes along with the photos. Here’s some inspiration from Belgium Elle.

5. Old Bottles

A fun way to display old photos is in old bottles or mason jars. Roll the photos up, pop them into the bottles and use chopsticks (or other tool) to help unroll the photos for display. Group them on a mantle or bookshelf. For irreplaceable photos, do make sure to get copies made for display purposes and keep the original in acid-free boxes. Here’s a tutorial from Yankee magazine.

6. Family Tree

If you are artistic, or are lucky enough to know someone who is, consider painting a mural of your family tree and include framed photos of your family members on the tree. Or you could use a wall stencil like this one from Park Lane Couture. This is a great idea for a nursery or playroom.

Image: Blomstrom
