In a Style Rut? How to Take Charge by Dressing Your Truth

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Confession: About three years ago, I went on strike from fashion and haven’t so much as looked at my closet since. Nothing in particular sparked this decision: I’d simply spent one too many mornings staring at a closet full of clothes I’d spent a fortune on, yet had no interest in wearing. Like, even a little.

I refused to think about how much money I’d wasted so as to avoid that feeling of wanting to take a bath – with my toaster. I had no idea where my fashion fast would take me. I just knew I wasn’t going to spend another penny on clothing or accessories until I had a solid grip on my personal style.

Like most women, my closet was a cocktail of outdated fashion trends, impulse buys, bad decisions, and utter confusion. I kept buying clothes for the woman I was trying to be, not for the woman I am – and what’s worse, I kept changing my mind about who I was trying to be – hence the closet of horrors.

When I first learned about Dressing Your Truth®, an educational program developed by Carol Tuttle that helps you discover – and harness – your unique Type of beauty, I was all systems go. (I mean, a girl can only stand track pants, ponytails, and polka dot housecoats for so long.)

What Dressing Your Truth Can Do For You

The short answer: Everything. You start by watching the free Beauty Profiling® online videos, where you learn about the 4 Energy Types and decide which one best describes you. If you find bits and pieces of yourself described within all 4 Types of beauty, don’t panic – it’s the case for all of us, but you’ll find one of them to be your dominant Energy Type.

For me, I’m a full-blown TYPE 4℠ woman – so much so, there were moments during Carol’s explanation of the TYPE 4 nature when I giggled until I snorted (especially when she mentioned our love of the word “stupid”). What I found especially refreshing was Carol’s approach to explaining the TYPE 4 energy. We’re an Energy Type that is often misunderstood by the rest, making it difficult for us to communicate our individuality – and sometimes we avoid doing so because of how painful the experience can be. As I watched Carol explain my traits and habits, I realized it was the first time I’d heard anyone offer ways for me to embrace them instead of “fix” them – you know, like my personality’s defective.

I couldn’t believe the amount of clarity the Beauty Profiling experience provided (I mean, it’s free people), so I could only imagine what was in store for me with the Dressing Your Truth course itself, especially now that I’d finally shed my crippling self-consciousness.

Once you learn what your dominant Energy Type is, you go on to choose the Dressing Your Truth course for your Type of beauty. And guess what? The course is effing incredible. I was blown away, and keep in mind this is coming from a detail-oriented perfectionist. You not only learn how to dress based on your true nature (including the design lines, textures, fabrications, patterns and colors that suit you best), but which jewelry, makeup and hairstyles to accessorize with.

This course has helped me with more than just my fashion sense – it’s helped me to close the communication gap that’s been between me and other humans since… well, forever. Any doubts I’ve had in who I am, what I like, and what I don’t, have vanished. And thanks to Dressing Your Truth specifying how I come off to other people and the challenges I face as a TYPE 4 woman, I now have this whole new level of awareness I can use in every aspect of my life, starting with my closet. (But I’m totally keeping my polka dot housecoat as a souvenir. It screams “before picture.”)

The moral of the story (cue piano): Stop wasting your beautiful self on clothes that don’t do you justice. Watch the free Beauty Profiling online videos so you can look in your closet and finally say, “I have everything to wear!” (Trust me, it’s fabulous.)

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