Start Planning Your Summer Salad Garden Now

Starting your salad garden now.

Are you ready for sun-filled days and endless bowls of salad that you grew at your garden? Psssh, of course you are. Now, we know that everyone is not born with a green thumb – that’s totally fine. (I’ve killed plenty of tomato plants in my time.) We’ve crafted this little guide to help all of you plan your foolproof summer salad garden.

You don’t need a ton of space to plant a salad garden. Mother Earth Living says you can have a salad garden plot that’s as small as a square-foot.

Luckily, it’s relatively easy to grow salad greens, so, go crazy – pick the greens that you enjoy the most. I’m a sucker for arugula. (According to, arugula is a good spring-planted crop for some climates – it will be ready to eat in 35 days.) Other types of greens to consider:


Note: Remember, pay attention to your growing region when planting. Many people’s gardens may fair better if they start their seeds indoors and move the starts outside once the weather warms.

In addition to growing salad greens, you should also incorporate some early spring herbs. Mother Earth Living suggests planting the following herbs in the early spring months:

Chives, fennel and parsley: Direct-sow seeds or transplant seedlings
Cilantro and dill: Direct-sow seeds
Thyme: Transplant seedlings

The following herbs can be started indoors now and moved outside once the weather warms:

Summer savory

Now, it wouldn’t be a salad garden with salad veggies. Some crispy veggies to consider starting now are:


For people who don’t have yards: Don’t worry about it! I have not had a yard for years and I still manage to grow some pretty amazing salad greens and herbs. I’ve even successfully transferred a few plants inside once the Midwestern cold takes hold.

Have you grown a summer salad garden before? What are your favorite plants to grow?

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Image: Jim Lukach
