Your Kids Will Have a Blast Planting These Easy-to-Grow Plants

If you want to help your kid cultivate his green thumb, you’ve got to get him some plants that he can easily care for. Luckily, there are plenty of easy-to-grow plants at your local gardening store that are perfectly plantable for little hands.
1. Herbs
They smell good, they taste good, and let’s face it – they can take a new gardener’s abuse. You can give your child a pot, some soil, and the plant, and coach them how to plant, or you can give her a pre-planted pot and show her how to water. Treehugger reports that kids can handle almost any herb with ease, but that mint is “an especially strong grower.” Mint can take forgotten watering sessions and can handle getting knocked over.
2. Fast growing vegetables, such as radishes, snap peas, cherry tomatoes
Kids hate to wait to see the fruits of their labor. Heck, I hate to wait. Well, the following vegetables grow really fast, so your kids can enjoy eating them rather quickly.
Radishes: These guys may have a strong taste, but boy, they are pretty. Radishes come in a variety of colors, so your kid will enjoy looking at the rainbow that grows in your garden. Radishes also germinate in a few days and “their growing season is only 20 to 30 days,” reports Treehugger.
Sugar snap peas: They are crunchy, sweet, and can be eaten off the vine – what could be better?!
Cherry tomatoes: Kids can watch the tomatoes change from green to red, and similar to the snap peas, tomatoes can be enjoyed right off the vine.
For more information on how to really care for the above easy-to-grow plants, check the following links:
Caring for radishes, sugar snap peas, and cherry tomatoes.
3. Bright flowers, such as sunflowers and wildflowers
Sunflowers grow fast (they can get to two feet in about a month) and if you buy edible sunflowers (the sunflowers with those tasty seeds), you can harvest the seeds with your kid come late summer. Also: sunflowers are incredibly colorful/
And as Treehugger points out, it’s super fun to plant wildflowers with your kids. Just let your son or daughter toss a handful into a plot and watch as the flowery surprises burst out of the ground.
4. Pumpkins
Now these guys take a long while to grow but their seeds sprout in only seven days. Quickly after the seeds sprout, the pumpkin’s vines will start to creep and soon, vine blossoms and baby pumpkins will emerge. So, while pumpkins aren’t fast, they sure are watchable.
After the pumpkin’s growing period ceases (it takes about 80 to 120 days to mature), kids can harvest the orange orbs and carve them come Halloween. (Plant mid-summer to achieve this outcome.)
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Kid in garden photo from Shutterstock