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Each week we share our favorite links from around the web. This week includes highlights from Experience Life, Rodale, EcoSalon,…
Your browser does not support the video tag. Rod Rotondi author of “Raw Food For Real People” and owner of…
Your browser does not support the video tag. Rod Rotondi author of “Raw Food For Real People” and owner of…

Scientists have identified certain foods that are more nutritionally-available to our bodies if they are cooked—versus those that should be…

In these incredible times, we here at Organic Authority are ever so grateful to be able to share information with…

New research on cooked food may have raw foodists second-guessing their diet choice. The study, conducted by Harvard researchers and…

Lucuma (LOO-KU-MA) has been enjoyed for thousands of years for its rich, sweet, maple-like flavor that's said to taste a…