5 Healthy Foods Your Grandparents Ate and You Should, Too!

Our grandparents lived in a world where supermarkets didn’t exist. An abundance of healthy foods came from their backyards and the neighborhood farmers markets. Food wasn’t sitting on the shelves or in bins if it wasn’t in season and it sure didn’t have unpronounceable ingredients.
Our grandparents also didn’t have the health issues and allergies that we suffer now because of unhealthy, processed food. Give your body the best nutrients and eat these five healthy foods your grandparents ate.
1. Seasonal Produce: While in recent years, seasonal food has been much lauded, our grandparents just didn’t have a choice. They ate what was in season because that’s all that was available. This meant their diets included all the nutrients needed for each season. The foods that grow in winter are great for a winter diet, while summer fruits and vegetables are high in nutrients needed for that season.
2. Food Cooked from Scratch: Since supermarkets didn’t exist, neither did boxed meals. Unprocessed, from scratch meals meant our grandparents ate healthy homemade foods every day. Restaurants were a rare treat, not a quick, unhealthy convenience.
3. Pure, Unadulterated Foods: Our grandparents didn’t have to read labels or search for non-GMO certification. Food additives, preservatives, thickeners, stabilizers and the like didn’t exist. There were no sugar substitutes and protein powders. If nature didn’t make it, our grandparents didn’t eat it.
4. Bone Broth & Offal: Healthy, naturally brewed nourishing bone broth and homemade vegetable broths were common in our grandparents’ kitchen. They used every bit of every animal, vegetable and fruit they had. Organ meats were eaten and valued for their nutrient density. No part of the animal went to waste.
5. Fermented & Cultured Foods: Our grandparents ate homemade yogurt, cultured butter and home fermented sauerkraut and pickles not just because they liked the flavor, but because it was the way to preserve foods. Without fermentation, smoking, canning and culturing, the food would just go to waste. Home culturing and fermenting provides healthy probiotics that can keep your stomach and your immunities strong.
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Image: Caro Wallis via Compfightcc