Darryl Hannah, Joan Baez, Julia Butterfly Hill, John Quigley show their support for the nation’s largest inner-city community garden in South Central LA, as they face eviction
Local farmers of the LA’s South Central Farm, the nation’s largest urban farm, have been fighting for their life this past week. When a non-profit group tried to acquire 10 acres of the 14-acre garden to turn over to another agency to manage the garden for local farmers, their bid came up $10 million short. Owner, developer Ralph Horowitz, wants $16.35 million for the property.
Joan Baez, Julia Butterfly Hill and John Quigley have all taken a perch high in a tree to protest the eviction of more than 300 local farmers. Darryl Hannah has showed her support by pitching her tent on the ground accompanied by local media and other supporters.
Local community gardens like this are critical to the health and welfare of our children’s future. Inner city children face an uphill battle with obesity and diabetes on a constant rise. The latest statistic I heard in the news was that one in three children are at risk of developing diabetes. With cheap over processed foods as the mainstay of these kids diets, families and children are losing touch with tasty, nutritious, organic and natural foods and it’s putting their health at risk. If we don’t educate families and their children about the importance of good nutrition and continue to make fresh, organic produce and vegetables available at an affordable price to everyone, most importantly our children, their long term health and our health care system face an uphill battle with continued rising health care costs.
If we use tasty, nutritious food as a form of preventative medicine and educate ourselves just a little bit, and it doesn’t take much, and quit looking for the quick fix in get skinny quick diets and live a well balanced life that’s rich in tasty, nutritious, organic and natural foods (after all that’s how the Europeans live) we could begin to turn around America’s obesity crisis around amongst children and adults alike.
Instead of focusing on how much an organic tomato costs, probably about $.50 more, if that, than a conventional tomato and it actually has sweet tomato flavor which children will probably love, lets focus on the quality and excellent flavor in our foods while ensuring our long term health by living a well balanced life full of tasty, nutritional rich foods that could potentially mean less doctor visits in the future.
As day six approaches in this protest, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa made a statement of support from City Hall Thursday, to affirm his dedication to achieving permanent protection for the nation’s largest inner-city community garden. A stewardship plan is being put together for the long-term vision of the Farm.
If you would like to help in any way or make a contribution go to www.southcentralfarmers.com to make a donation and find out more.
Stay tuned ….