From Our Friends: May 18, 2012

The weather is warming up and summer is beggining to make its way into our lives! We decided to dedicate this week’s From Our Friends roundup to get you in that sunny mood, with great articles on safe and healthy protection from UV rays, some sustainable sandles, a good workout diet, and 2 posts on delicious food. Enjoy these, and have a beautiful weekend!
1. It’s almost that time: Check out this great list from MightyNest on summer essentials for safe and healthy protection from the sun, the bugs and the heat!
2. Speaking of summer, take a gander at EcoSalon’s nine sizzling (sustainable) summer sandals to add to your warm weather wardrobe. Comfortable footwear that is anything but boring.
3. If you are trying to get into shape for that beach weather, you’ll love The Organic Whey’s blog on perfecting the pre (and post!) workout diet.
4. Sweet, salty, sour and bitter. These are the four familiar tastes we’ve come to know best. And then there’s the fifth flavor—umami. Have you heard of it? Read on to find out more from Experience Life.
5. Manly men are apparently putting their masculinity before their health, according to a new survey in the Journal of Consumer Research, which found that many men view vegetarian and plant-based meals as “wimpy,” and male vegetarians as less strong than male meat-eaters. Find out what BlissTree had to say about the matter.
You can follow Spencer on Twitter @SpencerKent
Image: Goood Day