From Our Friends: October 18, 2013

Welcome to this week’s installment of From Our Friends, a weekly roundup where we highlight some of our favorite posts, published by our friends and partners around the web. This week’s edition includes the enlightening story of how yoga empowers women in Nepal, a slideshow featuring simple and savory wholesome beet recipes, hilarious Halloween costumes to poke fun at your foodie friends, how to revitalize your home and health with cleaner air, an easy way to get 20% off one of our favorite organic brands, and a sustainable and safe alternative to toxic pads and tampons. Enjoy!

1. Women in Nepal fulfill stereotypical roles confined to their household, and often deal with abuse and sexual harassment. Due to discrimination in employment opportunities, women are mainly working in the informal sector, where they do their work thanklessly and often without/receive lower wages than men. YogiTimes shares a story of their empowerment through yoga.

2. Did you know that beet greens are great in juices and smoothies? ExperienceLife shared this simply unbeatable slideshow of wholesome and delciious beet recipes. 

3. From indulgent gourmands to the clean eaters, the food trendoids to the obsessively adventurous– you can’t escape people who are fixated on food. Since Halloween is the perfect holiday to celebrate the cultural zeitgeist, show off that you have your finger on the pulse with a fun foodie costume, from BlissTree

4. As the chilly fall air moves in and we close up the windows more often, inadequate ventilation can be a problem. According to the EPA, “this increases pollutant levels by not bringing in enough outdoor air to dilute emissions from indoor sources and by not carrying indoor air pollutants out of the home.” Clean air is vital to the well-being of our immune systems, MightyNest discusses how to improve your home and health with air purifiers. 

5. As a small business, The Organic Whey relies on consumers to post product reviews for the Amazon community. If you’ve had a pleasant buying experience and you are happy with The Organic Whey, leave a positive review and please let them know by emailing The Organic Whey, to earn a 20% off coupon! Easy!

6. Do you know what’s in your tampon? Neither do we. By law, the FDA doesn’t require the ingredients of tampons to be listed anywhere on the package, inside or out. Not only do we not know what is actually in our tampons, they don’t even work well. Sixty percent of women experience leaks regularly when using tampons or pads. Thankfully, there is another reliable, clean, and effective option. EcoSalon how your body and the environment both benefit from switching to the Diva Cup. 

You can follow Spencer on Twitter @SpencerKent

Image: NPR
