More Bike Riding in New York City!

Bike riding in New York City jumped 35% between 2007 and 2008. The 140 miles of NEW bicycle routes are really paying off!

More from the NYC Department of Transportation’s press release:

“This unprecedented increase shows we are well on the way toward our goal of doubling the number of bike commuters,” said Transportation Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan. “As these numbers rise, cyclists should take all safety precautions, while drivers must be vigilant when sharing our streets with this growing population…”

… Department of Transportation staff will be distributing 1,500 bike lights today on the Manhattan sides of both the Williamsburg and Brooklyn bridges from 5:00 to 6:30 pm Cyclists are required under state traffic law to use white headlights and red taillights from dusk until dawn on all New York streets. Staying visible at night is critical to safe cycling as approximately 45% of bicycle fatalities in New York City occur in the dark.

Now, not only is cycling great exercise, but human-power is MUCH cleaner than noisy subways and cranky cab drivers.

Via City Room.