Study Claims Organic Food is Healthier
I buy organic whenever I can. For me it’s mostly fruits and vegetables. The only things I buy that are sold in a box are computer games. Yes, I’m a nerd.
Now, there are lots of reasons to buy organic: no pesticides, genetically-modified whatever and most likely no inhumane animal rearing and slaughtering.
Go ahead and add nutrition to the list-I’m sure many of you already did-because a new study says organic produce is healthier than conventional stuff.
Appearing in the journal Agronomy for Sustainable Development, experts claim organic plants have more “dry matter” and minerals-i.e. iron and magnesium-and more antioxidants, like phenols and salicylic acid.
But researchers suspect most people buy organic primarily for the safety issue, and they found 94 to 100% of organics do not contain and pesticide residue. Also noting organic vegetables have 50% less nitrates.
How do you make a case against organic? Its safer, tastes better, easier on the environment and more nutrition-kind of a no-brainer.
ViaFood Navigator.
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