Tough Economy Hasn’t Hurt Organic Cotton Market

Organic doesn’t just apply to stuff you eat; lots of stuff can be organic – from household cleaners to clothing.

Take cotton, it’s a plant and plants can be raised organically, so that’s why you can now buy organic T-shirts and other apparel.

But organic clothes are harder to find than traditional clothing – and you know what that means! It’s more expensive.

Well, maybe so, but a steeper price and a tough U.S. economy wasn’t enough to slow the organic cotton market in 2009.

Published in the Organic Cotton Market Report 2009, figures show that despite the recession sales of organic cotton jumped up 35% from last year. In 2008, total sales of organic textiles and cotton were $3.2 billion, but 2009 topped it with $4.3 billion.

Cotton has long been in a mainstay in the United States and the processing of organic cotton cuts down the usage of pesticides and chemical fertilizers, and helps promote agriculture diversity.

Someone bought me an organic Jimi Hendrix T-shirt once. It was awesome, but evidently my friend thought I was a gnome. It didn’t fit – way too tight! I looked like a tightly wrapped sausage…an organic sausage.

Image credit: Planet Protect
