Will Food Porn Turn You on to Better Food?
Food porn: We’ve all looked at it. Heck, most of us even try make our own when we’re especially proud of a batch of peach pancakes we’ve made for brunch. But is food porn actually good for us? According to NPR, food porn may be good for your health… if the food porn you’re gawking at is healthy, that is.
While the majority of food porn that graces Instagram and Twitter is of rich, chocolate cake, health junkies are beginning to pull out their camera and snap salacious photos of their superfood salads and grilled chicken. According to NPR, Bolthouse Farms, a food company that specializes in selling juices and baby carrots, is trying to urge healthy foodies to snap photos of their nutritious meals. The hashtags the company is pushing are #urwhatupost and healthy #foodporn. The idea is to make help these images of healthy foods more searchable and visible:
“The idea is that — over time — the healthful images may shift the balance of the Food Porn Index (introduced by Bolthouse Farms one year ago). As we’ve reported, the index tracks which foods are trending in social media and presents the data in a swirl of food images. The online campaign is one of several strategies food companies are using to heighten the appeal of healthy eating.”
While this is just the latest of many healthy marketing tactics that companies are using to promote their healthy goods, I think it’s a simple, great idea. Sure it’s always fun to look at scrumptious food, but I also enjoy this healthy food porn because it gives me new cooking ideas. The hashtag “healthy #foodporn” on Twitter cultivates a ton of amazing images of recipes that I’d love to try.
What are your thoughts on this new marketing campaign? Do you enjoy looking at food porn? Are you a regular healthy #foodporn poster?
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