Meatless Monday Roundup: 6 Walnut Recipes
We’ve gotten used to thinking about seasonality with regards to everything from fruits and vegetables to meat. But what about nuts? As ubiquitous as they might seem, nuts do indeed have a season, and we’re right smack dab in the middle of walnut season. These flavorful nuts are a wonderfully crunchy addition to many meatless recipes. Not only do they add protein and healthy fats, making meals more filling than they might be without a source of protein, but they’re also delicious! Here are some of this week’s best walnut recipes from around the Internet.
A simple, seasonal recipe combines kale with roasted walnuts for a healthy salad that’s bursting with both flavor and nutrients. This recipe is easy enough to throw together for a quick lunch.
For something a bit more decadent, look no further than the queen of decadence herself, Nigella Lawson. Her creamy, cheesy recipe for walnut pasta actually doesn’t use any cream. A touch of parmesan and some whole milk are all she needs to make this walnut pasta a dream.
Just as warming, if a bit lighter, is our delicious turnip soup with walnuts and pomegranates. This trifecta of delectable, seasonal foods comes together to offer a soup that’s unique and surprising, with a combination of flavors you won’t find in many dishes.
A big plateful of vegetables can be exciting, even when you feel like you’ve tried every salad under the sun. This one, which combines green beans, cabbage, golden raisins, sweet white wine, arugula and pecorino cheese, is definitely worth trying. This walnut and green bean slaw is definitely a distinctive recipe, sure to set your tastebuds alight.
We love combining the earthy flavors of walnuts and mushrooms, with our mushroom sauté with walnuts. The woodsy aromas of both mushrooms and walnuts come together to make this one of our very favorite walnut dishes.
Photo: Kenn Wilson
Walnuts can also be used in even more unexpected ways: we love using walnuts to flavor different liqueurs. Our double-header of walnut liqueur recipes allows you to bring walnuts from the appetizer all the way to the after dinner drink.