Homemade Hair Mask for Dry, Sun-Damaged Hair

summer sun damage

In the summer, I’m always hoping for a tan and lighter, naturally-highlighted locks. What I don’t want however, is lobster skin and hair that is too damaged to appreciate. With autumn just around the corner, the last thing you need is brittle hair, only to be made more brittle by cooler weather. Luckily, nature has got your back! A homemade hair mask recipe is perfect for those of you going for the sun-kissed, not sun-damaged look, and all it takes are 2 ingredients.

Olive oil is full of vitamins A and E as well as antioxidants that help to protect the keratin in hair and prevent the build-up of sebum in the hair that hinders new hair growth. Opt for a very high quality extra virgin olive oil that is cold-pressed and thus in its raw state. This way, you are not compromising any of olive oil’s inherent nutritional properties and optimally benefiting your beauty.

Bananas are rich in tryptophan, an essential amino acid that is produced by animals and plants and must be acquired by food, as the body does not produce it. It is prevalent in hair and is thus crucial in hair health, strength and growth. Bananas are also packed with potassium, a mineral, which helps hair maintain a healthy pH balance. Bananas also have some natural fats that help to moisturize the hair.

This recipe is versatile in terms of the fat you use. You can replace the olive oil with coconut oil, almond oil, argan oil, or any other therapeutic oil. Just make sure it is raw and unadulterated to get the most from this homemade hair mask. Enjoy luxurious, clean and shiny locks without the split ends and worn strands. Enjoy!



Blend the ingredients together and use hands to massage into scalp and then stroke through damp hair, down to the ends. Clip hair up into a bun and place a shower cap over your head. Let sit for 30 minutes before rinsing clean.

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Photo Credit: Antara
