From Our Friends: June 13, 2014
Hey, y’all! It’s time for a very spooky, Friday the 13th edition of From Our Friends, our weekly roundup of OA’s favorite posts, published by our friends and partners around the web. (OK, truth be told — this edition of From Our Friends really isn’t spooky, but it would be pretty scary if you didn’t at least check out a few of these articles.)
This week’s roundup includes information on how to make new friends who are into keeping fit, a post on “glamping,” a link to a video of cute kitties, and a post about DIY lunch packing solutions. Also: Learn how you could end up in one of the “Song of Ice and Fire” books, find out about a new cell phone coating and read a post about solving a huge problem: the drought in California.
1.We all know how difficult it is to make friends when you’re an adult. Luckily, Fit Bottomed Girls recently posted this awesome blog on places you can actually make fit friends. So, get out there and find a new workout buddy!
2. I admit that I smirked when I first heard the term “glamping,” but I guess the joke is on me because the new healthy summer camp culture sounds pretty great. Read all about it on WellandGoodNYC.
3. Cat lovers: This link is for you. Follow it to watch a pretty hilarious cat food commercial, courtesy of HooplaHa and Buzzfeed.
4. Have you ever been all, “Man, I don’t know what to pack my lunch in!” Well, Crafting a Greener World has you covered. The site posted an article that details several DIY lunch packing solutions.
5. Yo, fellow nerds! If you donate $20k to help wolves, George R. R. Martin, the author of the “Song of Ice and Fire” series, will kill you in one of his books. Like seriously. That’s the best thing I’ve heard all week. Read more about it at Ecorazzi.
6. If you have tendency to drop your cell phone, you may want to check out this post on TreeHugger about a potentially shatterproof cell phone coating.
7. This is something that we all can cheer: Some ideas on how to solve California’s drought, via Grist.
Follow Abbie on Twitter or Instagram, or read more about her on ginchy.
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