Is Rebounding The World’s Best Exercise?

Rebounding may very well be one of the most effective forms of exercise in the world. What sets it apart from most other physical activities is its ability to strengthen, cleanse, and tone every cell in the body. The up-and-down movement works with gravity to stimulate the lymphatic system and draw toxins out of the blood, which is especially helpful in boosting immunity and improving cardiovascular function. Health benefits aside, rebounding is a way to workout that is more fun than forced.

Rebounding is a highly underrated physical activity that has long been known for its effects, but has only recently been garnering more attention. In a 1979 publication titled The Miracles of Rebound Exercise of the National Institute of Reboundology and Health, Albert E. Carter proclaims, “Rebound exercise is the most efficient, effective form of exercise yet devised by man.” By working with gravity, rebounding is able to cleanse tissue cells and oxygenate them, which represents a host a benefits for your physique – most notably, for lymph function.

Lightening the Lymph Load

Your lymphatic system is a network of nodes, ducts, and vessels carrying lymph fluid throughout your body and is responsible for fighting infection and removing foreign material, such as bacteria and cancer cells. Rebounding is special in that it stimulates the lymphatic system and enhances its overall function. It also fires up the metabolism, reduces body fat, lessens the load on organs, and firms your legs, thighs, abdomen, arms and hips. It burns calories, offers relief to the joints (since you are not hitting hard surface), promotes coordination and agility, improves digestion, and alleviates menstrual discomfort. And by making you achieve a state of weightlessness with each jump, rebounding puts you in somewhat of a trance-like condition, an equilibrium that relaxes you and promotes relief from stress long after you step off the trampoline.

Calculate how many calories you burn in each rebounding session – a 130-pound woman will shed about 130 calories in 30 minutes. If you want to burn more calories, increase the intensity of the workout with the addition of handheld weights or altering the height of the bounce. However, the workout does so much more for your body than burn calories – it offers benefits that are far more comprehensive and deeper than any old cardio routine. Take it from NASA – rebounding puts other forms of exercise to shame. According to the space administration, “for similar levels of heart rate and oxygen consumption, the magnitude of the biomechanical stimuli is greater with jumping on a trampoline than with running.” Other forms of exercise are able to cleanse the body’s cells peripherally, as their main purpose is on the strengthening of ligaments, tendons, and muscles, but it is the spring motion on the small trampoline that suspends and squeezes cells and ultimately makes the exercise particularly holistic and powerful for your health.

How to Bounce

There are several introductory ways to rebounding that should get you off to a successful start. One technique is to stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bounce up and down without your feet leaving the mat. Do this a few minutes each day. It is a mild workout that can also be used as a warm-up or cool-down for other rebounding exercises. A more rigorous technique is to jump in the air as high as possible. The higher you jump, the greater gravitational pull your cells are experiencing, thus giving your cells a rigorous workout.

To bring some more spontaneity and excitement to a rebounding workout, try adding on aerobic movements whilst jumping, such as jogging in place or doing jumping jacks. These movements are easier on the joints when done on a small trampoline versus on the ground because you don’t land on hard surface while rebounding, so your joints are supported.

Another rebounding technique involves targeting specific areas of the body, such as the abdominal muscles. By lying on your back with your legs in the air and bouncing in that position, you strengthen your abs, back, and legs.

Photo Credit: Barbourians
