Human Sweat Made Into Drinking Water?

I’ve always been a very efficient sweat producer, which is a nice way of saying that I sweat a ton. Whether I’m running, in the middle of my morning yoga routine, or just concentrating on writing a tough article, you can bet that I’m sweating up a storm. Well, now it seems that profuse sweat glands may be beneficial! At least to the UNICEF-promoted Sweat For Water Sweat Machine.

According to a recent NPR article (“Thirsty? ‘Sweat Machine’ Turns Perspiration Into Drinking Water,”), by Scott Neuman, the Sweat Machine takes moisture (another nice way of saying sweat) from sweaty clothing by spinning and heating the sopping fabric. The machine then filters the liquid. Only pure water is left after the process is completed. The “purification technique” used in the process is called membrane distillation. The process only allows steam through, and is able to filter out clothing fibers, salts, and bacteria.

Andreas Hammar, a Swedish engineer and TV personality, created the Sweat Machine. The machine uses technology that was created by HVR, a water purification company, and Sweden’s Royal Institute of Technology.

How did UNICEF get involved? The organization is using the Sweat Machine in a campaign to ��raise awareness” about how many children lack access to clean drinking water.

According to the article, “Sweat Machine Produces Drinking Water,” on The Daily Meal, by Lydia Mansel, the Sweat Machine has already been put to the test. It was used at the Gothia Cup, the “world’s largest international youth football tournament.” Mansel said that more than 1,000 people hydrated with the recycled water.

While this invention is pretty intriguing, Mansel reported that the machine wouldn’t be mass-produced because it only produces .3 ounces of water per sweat-ridden T-shirt.

Other organizations have pitched in over the years to raise awareness about clean drinking water. Read more about that topic in Organic Authority’s article, “World Water Day.”

Image: Matt and Kim Rudge
