Laura’s Favs: Tweets and Comments (December 9, 2011)

Well, here we are… another banner week in the life of Organic Authority. We are passing the 20,000 mark on Facebook! Not only that, but this week we released our second OA curated Goodie Box too! We want to thank you all for helping us reach so many wonderful goals this year, we owe it all to you. You are the BEST organic community on the web!

If you have any thoughts or ideas about how we can improve, please share.

Here are some of our favorite social network highlights from the week:

Our Twitter Favs of the Week:

  • @AnnGentry: @OrganicAuthorit Mr.Pollan’s food rule #24 is my motto too: When you eat real food, you don’t need rules. @RealFoodDaily
  • @RobertaMurphy: @RobLOL! Kale may not taste like beef but it does the body good. Also makes wickedly good chips! @BennRosales @OrganicAuthorit
  • @BIFFF808: @OrganicAuthorit @FabulousFood Seriously! and all the different types of Kale! you could spend a lifetime trying them all!
  • @SpicieFoodie: @OrganicAuthorit Thanks for the follow. I
  • @MRyanLev: @OrganicAuthorit Mid-week drinking you say? Okay! Buying in big containers is also eco-friendly but does seem to increase consumption!

Our Facebook Favs of the Week:

  • Windi Robinson No no NO!! Now we will have more corporate industrialized meat. They just won’t stop!! Soon we humans will be on the menu… Oh yeah I forgot human DNA rice. When will it stop!! I am not a vegetarian because I eat wild meat like duck, deer etc on occasion however in my personal world domesticated animals are not on my menu especially industrialized species. People no longer care where their food comes from cause they don’t have to kill it or grow it themselves. They just blindly trust whatever is put on their plate won’t make them sick. Well guess again

  • C Holly Greene I found out that happened to me because I have chemical allergies so I’d go in and wander because I was doped up on man-made chemicals. Not a good feeling. Only difference, I didn’t get anything because I was so dazed out.
  • McFadden’s Acres Certified Organic Farm Spring water for us too…very lucky to have access to a natural spring on our property… we also have it tested!!!

  • Michele Lewis When you put the words “vegan chocolate truffle extravaganza” together on a Monday, that makes me very happy 🙂
  • Meliza Reza ?:-O makes me want to just knock them up side their head. Foolish foolish foolish. Are we ever going to have any real food left in the world.

See you in Tweet Land or on the “Wall!”
