Laura’s Favs: Tweets and Comments (January 31, 2014)

Happy Friday, everyone! If you’re new to OA, we take time once a week to thank our fans for all the posts, comments, and tweets they leave us every week.

Remember to follow us on Pinterest and Google+ to stay up to date on all our social networks! Thank you all 🙂 Have a wonderful weekend!

If you have any thoughts or ideas about how we can improve, please share.

Here are some of our favorite social network highlights from the week:

Our Twitter Favs of the Week:

Our Facebook Favs of the Week:

  • Heather Fischer Have you ever looked at the expiration dates??? Crazy! I can’t believe people purchase this crap! [What’s Really in Velveeta?]
  • Astrid Muse surely, we are the most powerful people in food.. we each make our choices.. i grow my food… or buy an organic food box.. and organic dry good from a wholesaler, and that is it.. [Are These The 50 Most Powerful People In Food?]
  • Robin Kelman I love my farmer more every year! [FDA to Keep 30 ‘High Risk’ Antibiotics in Livestock Feed]
  • Erica Weinschenk I’m sprouting organic purple Peruvian potatoes right now…they’re doing great!! [Pesticides & Potatoes: 3nd Grader’s Science Project Convinces Us to Choose Organic ]
  • Lissa Sousa I think the most amazing part of the bill is the fact that it includes regulation for all eggs coming into the State – not simply ones produced in the state. [‘Vegan Lobby’ & Chickens Celebrate Victory for Battery Cage Sizes ]

See you in Tweet Land or on the Wall!
