Laura’s Favs: Tweets and Comments (March 7, 2014)

Happy Friday, everyone! If you’re new to OA, we take time once a week to thank our fans for all the posts, comments, and tweets they leave us every week.

Remember to follow us on InstagramPinterest, and Google+ to stay up to date on all our social networks! Thank you all 🙂 Have a wonderful weekend!

If you have any thoughts or ideas about how we can improve, please share.

Here are some of our favorite social network highlights from the week:

Our Twitter Favs of the Week:

Our Facebook Favs of the Week:

  • Nena Phillips Would be nice if they would have included a listing of GMO ingredients since they are spending all of this money and that was the biggest argument against GMO labeling was the cost. Why not roll it into the cost of this revamp? Could it be that they are trying to hide something from us? [Nutrition Labels Get a Long-Awaited Makeover]
  • Kinder Organic Glad to have stumbled across this post. We wrote a blog about BPA Free products – not so free after all on our website a few weeks ago. Happy that Organic Authority is also spreading the word! [Pretty Much All Plastic Sucks: ‘BPA-Free’ Alternatives Just as Risky, Study Finds]
  • George Martinez The HFCS is probably from GMO corn and contaminated with Roundup (glyphosate). [Honey Bees Getting $3 Million to Get Off HFCS ]
  • Julia Kalthof only people with something to hide… [‘Ag-Gag’ Bill Will Make Idaho 7th State to Criminalize Hidden Cameras]
  • Chef Todd Mohr The average American wastes $2200/year in food BEFORE it’s even cooked! If you know your portions, how to preserve food, and how to cook it well, you’ll waste less. [City Exposes Food Waste, Cooks 5,000 Meals With It ]

See you in Tweet Land or on the Wall!
