Laura’s Favs: Tweets and Comments (May 11, 2012)
Another week at Organic Authority means another roundup of great posts and comments from our awesome readers! Thanks for being so active week in and week out on our social networks; you have helped our little community grow to be so large. In fact, we are coming up on 31,000 likes on Facebook! A special thanks goes out to all of you who share us with your friends. Have a great weekend everyone!
If you have any thoughts or ideas about how we can improve, please share.
Here are some of our favorite social network highlights from the week:
- @SmarterBetter: @OrganicAuthorit Wow, ban it? Seattle has curbside compost pick-up. Mass has always been a leader! First to desegregate schools…
- @MonaliParmar: Good post via @OrganicAuthorit > What? Poverty + Malnutrition = Starvation AND Obesity?
- @RawJuiceGuru: @OrganicAuthorit love your website, very informative.
- @4theloveoffiber: @OrganicAuthorit seriously, you are KILLING me with that oatmeal deliciousness! I know what’s for breakfast tomorrow!…
- @ciambelline: @OrganicAuthorit more people should be aware of that. Don’t know why artificial and chemical food is more appealing than natural stuff!
Our Facebook Favs of the Week:
- Kae Bruney Yes! Now if only they would lift the bans on freeganism and allow groups to use commercial food waste to feed the homeless (or themselves), we’d really curb hunger in America.
- PJ’s Organics Sad but true, thanks for sharing this article. Very intelligent and insightful.
- Nicole Blajaer Biegenzahn Great info, as always! Re-posted, Goggle+’ed and tweeted it! Thanx.
- Denise Ribbecke My mouth is watering and I haven’t read the recipe yet!
- Chris Savage Eating grass fed organic is the best way to kill off factory farms because we make the organic industry bigger and the factories smaller until they are gone.
See you in Tweet Land or on the “Wall!”