Laura’s Favs: Tweets and Comments (May 18, 2012)
As we are passing 31,000 on Facebook, we’re feeling the love! Another week at Organic Authority means another roundup of great posts and comments from our awesome readers. Thanks for being so active week in and week out on our social networks; you have helped our little community grow to be so large. A special thanks goes out to all of you who share us with your friends. Have a great weekend everyone!
If you have any thoughts or ideas about how we can improve, please share.
Here are some of our favorite social network highlights from the week:
- @Valerotti: The site keeps on growing! Congrats! You guys have 2 make it over this way sometime soon. Maybe even to @MarVistaFarmers @OrganicAuthorit
- @projecthope7: @PJsOrganics @OrganicAuthorit thanks for the article! #healthyliving
- @chefandre: @OrganicAuthorit thank you for the follow, looking forward to your healthy tweets
- @OrganicWriter: Good tips! #Gardening in Times of Global #Climate Change:… via @OrganicAuthorit #ag #organic
- @lisa04040: Bad juju. RT @OrganicAuthorit: 2 Dairies Under Quarantine After Mad Cow Discovery
Our Facebook Favs of the Week:
- Meghann Lee I love being barefoot! Now I have more reasons to love it 😉
- Jennifer Wills Hura My American Bulldog has lost 25 lbs this past year CHASING rolling hula hoops!!! Different use, but very beneficial nonetheless! 🙂 He is obsessed!
- Frederica Huxley As the British ads for Marmite say, “love it or hate it”!
- Krystal Bagley They left out Zevia (my fave). I also second making your own kombucha. Yum.
- Barbara Macfadden Coffee Mate is a vital component necessary for PTA coffee to be served in styrofoam cups!
See you in Tweet Land or on the “Wall!”