Laura’s Favs: Tweets and Comments (May 4, 2012)
We did it: We are now 30,000 strong on Facebook! This is a HUGE milestone for us and we, of course, couldn’t have done it without you all. Thanks for being so wonderful and always commenting, sharing, re-tweeting, liking, etc. Have a great weekend everyone, we know we certainly will!
If you have any thoughts or ideas about how we can improve, please share.
Here are some of our favorite social network highlights from the week:
- @MarasPasta: Space is not an issue with these 111 ways to inspire you to think outside the (garden) plot from @OrganicAuthorit…
- @Mekelefleur: @OrganicAuthorit No picnic is “flawless” but just about always fun! Appreciate the season and plan accordingly.
- @MarketingGem: False #advertising, this is not. RT @OrganicAuthorit: Heart Attack Grill Lives Up to Its Name… Again
- @HolisticChik: @OrganicAuthorit Thanks! I hadn’t heard the name. I was SOO close! Fun show, I’m looking forward to the next one. 🙂
- @4theloveoffiber: @OrganicAuthorit dates are my fave for a quick snack, sweetening/adding fiber to baked goods, etc. Who knew they were also so sustainable?
Our Facebook Favs of the Week:
- Hiag Akmakjian The social media, like FB, are becoming an unstoppable corrective to corrupt government and corruptly-favored companies. A quiet revolution is under way.
- Nancy Seaberg I find great prices on spices at Indian, Asian, and Middle Eastern grocery stores. Plus, growing my own makes it even better flavor.
- Lori Nodine Can’t say that I would have, I had a baby at home and buried the placenta in the garden. Had the best garden ever!
- Dennis Q. Hamburg This is the power of the people. We need to use it more often.
- Aron Hasiak Sorry but we should never buy Kashi again. Fool me once shame on you…
See you in Tweet Land or on the “Wall!”