Autumn-Inspired Centerpieces for Your Dinner Party

Photo Credit: Hello-Julie
Autumn is time for the ultimate dinner party… Thanksgiving! But the food of the season is so delicious that it’s often tempting to sneak in a few smaller gathering as well.
Preparing the menu is a big part of the fun of course, but it’s also enjoyable to take it up a notch and spruce up your dining room. You may find that those seasonal foods that you’re sharing with your friends also make vibrant, autumn-inspired centerpieces!
A hollowed-out pumpkin can make a wonderful vase for a seasonal bouquet of flowers. Or you can find mini-pumpkins and hollow them out to hold candles. Don’t just stick to the orange variety; change it up by finding white or green pumpkins.
Photo Credit: Galileo55

These are some of the most visually interesting vegetables around. They come in a wide array of shapes, sizes, and colors, so go to the store, pick out some of your absolute favorites, and put them in a nice basket or on a pretty platter in the center of the table. It’s that simple! As a bonus, you’ll have ingredients ready for a meal later in the week.
Photo Credit: Muffet

Place cranberries in a bowl of water, like the photo above. Be sure to pick out the ones that are unattractive, only use those that are round and a vibrant red. Then, depending on the size of the bowl, add a floating candle or several for a stunning and classy effect.