7 Organizing Tips that’ll Change Your Life (They Really Do Work Like Magic!)

organized woman

If you are struggling to get organized, like most of us are, one way to get started is to mimic the habits of highly organized people and their incredibly simple organizing tips. And while it may look like magic, organization is actually quite simple. Sure, getting organized does take hard work, discipline, and commitment, but the fundamental principles of organization are actually pretty easy.

One constant among those whose homes and lives are super organized is looking at what organized people don’t put off. The key getting organized is developing and cultivating positive habits. Folks who are highly organized know this, and they don’t put off for tomorrow what they can deal with today. The Kryptonite of organization is not following your organization plan an habits.

But, just what are the most important tasks that we must tackle to be among the organized devotees? Read on to discover the key to unlocking how to get organized.

7 Organizing Tips

  1. Dealing with the Mail – Organized people know that one must deal with the mail every day. There’s no piling it on the table until the weekend, where the sight of it falling all over the place is enough to put you off the whole weekend. Instead, recycle, trash, file and pay what you must right away.
  2. Bills – One key component for getting organized is to provide some structure to your bill paying. Set up what accounts you can with auto-pay and develop a regular schedule each week for dealing with the rest.
  3. Filing – Whether talking about electronic or paper files, organized people take the time to come up with a filing system and regularly devote time to filing that which must be stored away. No one likes doing it, but filing on a regular basis will make your life easier down the road.
  4. Meal Planning – If you are struggling to get a decent meal on the table after work every night, consider spending a small amount of time on the weekend on meal planning. Not only will it make it easier to cook dinner and plan lunches, but food shopping will also be less of a chore as well.
  5. Clutter – The best way to deal with clutter is to avoid it altogether, but that’s just not always practical. If clutter does happen, handle it right away by relocating items where they belong, tossing out what needs to be tossed, and repurposing and recycling what you can.
  6. Laundry – Sometimes it feels like the process of doing laundry is taking over your life. From piles of dirty laundry everywhere to piles of clean laundry everywhere, laundry can be a neverending task. The key is to do laundry throughout the week, instead of waiting to do it all over the weekend. And to make sure to get in the habit of putting clean laundry away right away. It’s about building good habits.
  7. Scheduling, Making Plans, Birthdays, and Special Events – Don’t let special events birthdays, potluck plans, and other calendar items get you off your game. Organized people know to take a look at the calendar at the beginning of the month and plan ahead for those special occasions. Avoid having ever to shop at the last minute for another birthday or anniversary gift.

Related on Organic Authority

How to Organize Every Room of Your House (Without Losing Your Mind)
6 Steps to Create More Space: How to Organize Your Closet
3 Life-Changing Good Habits for a More Organized Home

Woman at desk image via Shutterstock
