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Give your garden pest control and eco-friendly makeover with nontoxic steps to keep critters at bay.
If your plant has yellow leaves, you've got to do something. Luckily, that "something" is rarely difficult to do. To…
Try our five DIY natural flea treatment and prevention techniques to keep your furry ones happy and healthy.
With fresh fruit sitting out on the counter, fruit flies can be a real menace in the spring. Ttry our…
Don't spray poisonous insecticides on your food! Try these natural, easy and cheap sprays to fight pests in your garden.
Mother nature's winged and fur covered creatures are a sight to behold... but not when they're digging into a free-for-all-garden…
You've been fighting the good green fight with organic pesticides but wayward insects are still making mincemeat out of your…
Pests seem to come out of the woodwork when the temperatures rise, which is why arming yourself with a reliable…