About Leigh Smith

Leigh Smith is the founder of Leigh Smith Copy. She is a lover of all things beautiful, from our stunner of a mother earth down to the perfect coffee mug. Leigh writes fiction by night and copy by day, with an affinity for sustainable and conscious brands. She currently lives in Ohio by way of Florida, Vermont, California (twice!), and Kentucky. You can find her on the closest trail or at her local coffee shop.

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Image of a woman in a kitchen standing at the counter chopping some vegetables on a cutting board.
December 23, 2024
Fay makes it easy for anyone to work with a dietitian. Here’s how working with a Fay Nutritionist changed an…
Image of fresh produce: tomatoes, carrots, spinach, green onions, and mushrooms some are part of the Daily Dozen 2024 or the Clean 15. These lists help you choose the right produce in your grocery store to keep toxins out of your system.
September 10, 2024
Dirty Dozen 2024. Here’s what’s new with EWG’s annual report - scary fungicide among us. Don't panic! Here's how to…