About Lindsey Rae Gjording

Lindsey Rae is a freelance writer and medium format photographer. In past lives she wrote about the West coast arts scene before morphing into a finance journalist, reporting for German news at the New York Stock Exchange. Now- she lives on a farm in Montana and chases cows. When not writing lifestyle & culture she can be found studying herbalism and traditional healing techniques. You can find her at IG @hunteressthompson

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December 5, 2022
Excite the home chef in your life with well-made cookware and super sharp Japanese knives.
woman in a forest on train track with hands in hair and above head
Credit: It's high time you started taking care of your body.
November 29, 2022
Show your loved ones you care about their wellbeing with gifts like plant-based protein powder and cortisol balancer.