Celebrities Want Tuna Out of Nobu Restaurants

I don’t eat meat, but I eat fish. And I love sushi! All kinds, like salmon and mackerel, even weird stuff, like octopus and squid. It’s all good.

Sushi is a very sheik thing to eat. Celebrities love it. Today, sushi is synonymous with New York City and Los Angeles.

But now, celebrities like Woody Harrelson and Sting are petitioning popular sushi restaurant Nobu to take bluefin off their menu.

Bluefin tuna is nearing extinction. In a letter to Nobu, concerned celebrities asked Nobu to stop serving tuna. I guess it worked, because Nobu’s London restaurant agreed to put a note on the menu telling patrons tuna is endangered.

No one wants Charlie Tuna to disappear and here’s another reason to ditch the tuna. The Environmental Defense Fund calls bluefin tuna an eco-worst and recommends avoiding it, citing mercury and PCB contamination.

Like I said, I love sushi! But I’m careful to order low or no pollution fish. Salmon and mackerel are my favorites—especially sashimi salmon—and both salmon and mackerel are safer choices.

Via TreeHugger.
