Colorado Voters to Decide on Labeling Genetically Modified Foods in November
Colorado voters will join a growing list of states who will get their chance to decide on whether or not the state should require labeling on genetically modified foods.
Supporters of GMO labeling delivered nearly twice the number of signatures needed to secure the issue on November’s ballot. Oregon met similar requirements last month.
According to RT, the Colorado Secretary of State has 30 days to verify the more than 170,000 signatures, which were collected by 500 volunteers working with Right to Know Colorado, the group behind the initiative.
California and Washington state both lost GMO labeling ballot initiatives in recent years. While highly favored to be victorious, the anti-GMO labeling camp, well funded by big food and biotech corporations, outspent the labeling camps in both states and used controversial campaign tactics including self-funded studies claiming that a labeling bill would increase food costs.
Data from countries in the EU show that labeling genetically modified foods does not increase food costs, negatively impact farmers or hurt taxpayers.
Vermont recently passed legislation that will require labeling on genetically modified foods beginning in July 2016, but the Grocery Manufacturer’s Association and other industry trade groups have already taken steps to file lawsuits against Vermont and its governor, citing the ruling violates First Amendment rights.
Connecticut and Maine have also passed GMO labeling bills, but those states passed with trigger clauses, which require neighboring states to pass similar laws before their GMO labeling bills can go into effect.
Find Jill on Twitter @jillettinger
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Image: tj dewey