Can A ‘One Tree at A Time’ Approach Reverse Human Health and Environmental Issues?

20 million trees planted around the world in the next five years is the goal of an ambitious new project aptly named One Tree. The foundation was formed by Greg Reitman, filmmaker and founder of Blue Water Entertainment, along with Navitas Naturals, the leading brand of organic superfoods, in an effort to plant ‘one tree at a time’ to tackle some of the biggest issues on our planet today.
Both the environment and human health are facing critical challenges. And evidence—such as the widening expansion of industrial agriculture, genetic modification and use of pesticides—indicates a deeper connection between the two. Reversing, and even preventing, the progressing degradation of our species and our planet is a job that One Tree and Reitman’s new film titled “Rooted in Peace” are focused on addressing.
In a statement released by the foundation, One Tree announced that its campaign is “for giving trees a true voice” that will also allow for “new and future corporate companies to make commitments in bringing balance to the planet.” The nonprofit states that its mission is “to inspire, engage and support people to take personal responsibility for the natural environment. Making this a safe, sustainable, and fun model for the world. Conservation & preservation are the keys to bringing the earth back into balance. “
Similar efforts, like The Fruit Tree Planting Foundation, have effectively taken edible orchards and education programs into hard hit areas within the U.S. and abroad with the help of corporate alliances in order to provide not only healthy sustenance with environmental benefits, but projects that also bring inspiration and joy to individuals and communities rising to overcome traumas and hardships. The foundation’s most recent program, Sustainabilitree, brought six thousand trees to schools, community groups and low-income families in Mozambique and South Africa with support from the environmentally-friendly beauty product brand, Davines.
Navitas Naturals is funding some of One Tree’s efforts for planting trees both locally and globally with a pledge of $25,000 to support conservation efforts in Peru, where some of the company’s superfoods are sourced.
Reitman’s feature documentary film showcases Navitas Naturals’ superfood ingredients including camu camu, acai berries and chia seeds as part of a healthy journey towards peace that Reitman dubs “H to the 4th power.” He claims that a healthy mind, heart, body and planet unlock the human link to healthy living.
Keep in touch with Jill on Twitter @jillettinger
Image: John Morgan