31 Ways to Guarantee More Laughing Every Day

31 Ways to Guarantee Laughing Every Day

Laughing is a key ingredient in a healthy lifestyle. Is your life lacking laughter? Commit to going for the giggle and try laughing every day this month:

  1. Try out a Laughter Yoga class – yes, that’s a thing.
  2. Laugh at yourself the next time you trip, break something, spill your drink or otherwise act like the human you are.
  3. Spend time with a dumb-looking dog. Adopt a puppy, dog-sit a friend’s pooch, or hang out at the local dog park.
  4. Grab a seat at a sidewalk café with good people watching, and make up silly stories in your head about interesting characters that walk by.
  5. Think of the one person on the planet who can always make you laugh, whether that’s a sibling, old friend, or new buddy. Call them up.
  6. Share something silly that you did with a friend, so you can both get a laugh out of that embarrassing situation that no one knew about – until now.
  7. Buy a book of your favorite cartoons, like “The Far Side”, “Calvin & Hobbes”, or “Garfield.”
  8. Indulge in a funny DVD. What type of comedy really gets you going? Dry humor? Sarcasm? Slapstick? Plain old stupid? Cozy in at home with a comedy and someone you love.
  9. Create a humor bulletin board near your desk, with images, jokes and items that make you laugh.
  10. Smear cake on your face, and then walk around asking people, “Is there something on my face?”
  11. Learn one really good joke that always makes people laugh. Tell it.
  12. Practice laughing in all different styles. Try out a giggle, a guffaw, a snorting laugh and a high-pitched shriek (preferably, when you’re home alone). You’ll feel so silly that you’ll start laughing for real.
  13. Read a comic book that you loved as a kid. Betty and Veronica, anyone?
  14. Take an improv class and get creative with a bunch of strangers as you pantomime mowing the lawn in stilts.
  15. Play miniature golf at a whimsical course with windmills, monsters, and moats.
  16. Hang out with kindergartners. Volunteer at your local school, or baby-sit your cousins. Play games and get back in touch with your inner giggler.
  17. Instead of reading the news, read The Onion. This satirical news sources is bound to make you smile out loud.
  18. Download a joke app for your phone, like 18,000 Cool Jokes, Break, Funny Jokes or Yo Momma Jokes.
  19. Subscribe to Mad Magazine.
  20. Remember that time that you couldn’t stop laughing in a place where you were supposed to be serious, like church, class or a funeral? Think about it again and just try not to laugh.
  21. Host a game night for your friends. Cranium, Taboo and Apples to Apples are all winners for groups. Is your sense of humor a little twisted? Cards Against Humanity will have you rolling.
  22. Watch a silly TV show and give yourself 30 minutes of laugh time, like “America’s Funniest Home Videos”, “The Soup”, “Tosh.0” or “Portlandia.”
  23. Hit the neighborhood bookstore and buy a joke book that appeals to you.
  24. Go to a stand-up comedy show. Whether it’s the performance a big-name comedian or open-mic night for the locals, make comedy the focus of your evening.
  25. Head to the cinema to catch the latest funny flick with your friends.
  26. Make up a song and sing it to your pet or your plant.
  27. Eat dinner with someone who you were childhood friends with, and reminisce about the tree house, the sand pile, and the water balloons.
  28. Laugh at jerks. When someone cuts you off in traffic, try laughing instead of cursing. What an idiot!
  29. Instead of mindlessly cruising social media, spend your surf time watching a humorous video. Check out Funnyordie, or look up your favorite comedian on Youtube.
  30. Go out for karaoke with a group of friends, and spend the evening laughing at each other.
  31. Stockpile comedy shows on your DVR or TiVo. Set your favorite series to record, and you’ll always have something funny to watch after a long day.

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Laughing image via Shutterstock 
