4 Ways to Use Coffee Grounds in Your Beauty Routine

Most of you greenies out there will probably have heard of (or used) the tried and true method of repurposing old coffee grounds to enrich soil in your garden, but have you ever considered using the brown grinds leftover from your favorite brew to pamper yourself?
That’s right. With the correct methods, you can turn those brown dregs sitting in your coffee filter into grainy goodness for your hair and skin. Get your body bikini-ready right in time for summer with these four ways to use coffee grounds in your beauty routine.
1. Soften and shine hair
Before lathering up your tresses with your favorite organic shampoo, scrunch a handful of coffee grounds into wet hair. It may feel a tad strange at first—like rubbing sandy grit into your hair—but that coarse stuff is actually good for them. Once you’ve worked the grinds into your mane, rinse thoroughly. The grounds will remove any product build-up and leave your locks glossy and smooth. Beauty disclaimer: You may not want to use this method if you have bleached or light hair, as it may darken the color.
2. Treat cellulite
Cellulite got you down? Use our coffee grounds-based anti-cellulite scrub on your problem areas. Simply combine these ingredients to make this all-natural scrub:
1/2 cup brewed coffee grounds
1 tablespoon wine
1 tablespoon tincture
A few drops of ginger extract and seaweed extract
Mix in sea salt for a softer scrub
The caffeine in the coffee grinds helps improve circulation, which will remove excess water from skin and make it appear firmer. Bye-bye cellulite.
3. Exfoliate skin
Give your skin a buzz with used coffee grounds. Simply scrub the crumbly goodness all over your body for a natural exfoliant. Rubbing grounds into your skin will slough off dead skin cells and leave your skin feeling refreshed. For a smoother scrub, add a bit of olive oil to the grounds.
4. Do-it-yourself facial
No need for high-end (and high-priced) spa treatments to get your skin glowing. Indulge in a coffee grounds facial to soften the delicate skin on your face. We love this mocha-frappuccino facial mask from the blog, Crunchy Betty. Simply mix together these ingredients:
2 tablespoons freshly ground coffee (or used grinds)
2 tablespoons cocoa powder
3 tablespoons milk (whole), heavy cream or yogurt
1 tablespoon honey
Massage this chocolatey delicious mask into your skin in the morning for a quick perk up. Allow the mask to dry for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse it off thoroughly.
This delectable mask will help tighten pores and remove oil. The coffee grinds will help reduce puffiness and swelling, while the cocoa, honey and milk will add moisture to your skin.
Who’d have thought your favorite beverage could do so much beauty goodness?
image: How can I recycle this