5 New Year’s Goals that are Totally Doable

2015 is a few weeks away, folks. I don’t know about you, but I’m excited. Scratch that – I’m so-incredibly-shouting “woo-hoo!” excited. I love the thought of a fresh new year filled with rad opportunities. Now, I’m not crazy about New Year’s resolutions – they just seem so daunting. So, I always make a list of nonthreatening New Year’s goals. I’ll share my tentative list with you in hopes that you’ll put pen to paper and make your own list in the next few weeks.
1. Slow down
I have a tendency to feel tightly wound, and I strictly adhere to schedules. Now, I’m not saying I need to start blowing off work and engagements left and right, but I do think I could stand to slow down. By slowing down, I hope to conserve more mental and physical energy. To help myself chill more, I plan to breath more, observe my surroundings more, and live in the moment. I’m not getting any younger and I don’t want to miss all the awesome, beautiful things going on around me just because I’m mentally hung up on a writing project.
2. Take time to get pretty
We all have different things that make us feel totes hot. For me, it’s a nice shower, some time to pick out a killer outfit, and a nice coat of mascara and red lipstick. I, like most ladies, don’t have a lot of time to do all of my “feel pretty” things everyday. So, I’m going to try and change that. I have a hunch that feeling good about myself, and about what I’m wearing, will help me stay more focused and energized through the day.
3. Get creative
I write. Every day. So, I have to be somewhat creative. But I really feel like I need to venture into new creative endeavors. Maybe I’ll start painting? Perhaps I’ll start to write a book! Who the heck knows? But whatever I choose to do, I think it will help boost my general disposition and give my daily work a new depth.
4. Read more
I’m a reader, but I want to read more. I am going to start adding “reading time” to my schedule so I treat this luxury like it’s a task. A fun, relaxing task.
5. Move more
I workout a lot, but during the winter, I tend to not go outside a whole lot. I’m going to invest in some totally warm outdoor gear so I can start spending more time outdoors (even if the weather isn’t cooperating). The more I move, the happier I am, typically.
So, what are your New Year’s goals? Share them in the comment section!
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