5 Simple Anti-Aging Tips From Beverly Hills Dr. Julia T. Hunter

5 Simple Anti-Aging Tips From Beverly Hills Dr. Julia T. Hunter

We’ve all heard claims of “miracle” anti-aging products. Whether we take any of them at their word, most of us devote a decent amount of time (and money!) to a skincare routine, nutritional supplements, beauty products and the like. But aside from glossy magazine spreads and an impressive social media presence, which products and routines actually deliver?

Dermatologist Julia T. Hunter M.D recently chatted with us about skincare, supplements, anti-aging and diet. Hunter’s philosophy of wholistic healing focuses not only on the dermis, but the whole body – inside and out. We spoke to her about some habits and routines that can genuinely improve not only physical well being but internal health balance. After all, without attention to what lies beneath, all the topical treatments in the world can only accomplish so much!

Dr. Julia utilizes alternative and integrative therapies in her practice, encouraging people with specific concerns to focus on the goal which is to cure, trying to eliminate the cause of the concern. She gained her vast and varied knowledge studying at Harvard Medical School, Columbia University and Cornell Medical school, questioning and observing.

Top Tips to Support a Youthful, Glowing, Vibrant You.

1. Drink Water
Never underestimate the power of water. Drinking water is vital and a key contributing factor to keep you looking young. Water helps your skin stay smooth and soft while lubricating your joints and of course keep you from being dehydrated.

2. Drink Green Tea
Green tea is full of antioxidants that have powerful effects on your body. It is called the “anti-aging” beverage for a reason. It’s anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties work with your body to keep you looking and feeling sharp.

3. Eat Olive Oil (2-4 tbsp daily)
According to Dr. Hunter, no one is allergic to olive oil. Little known fact? It’s much more therapeutic than coconut oil. Olive oil lowers blood sugar and cholesterol, is anti-inflammatory, and helps with constipation. When used for cooking, its burn point is higher than coconut oil. It’s great for hair, skin, and joints. You can even apply it topically to moisturize hair, skin, and body.

4. Enlist the Aid of Vitamin C

When it comes to acne and rosacea, Dr. Hunter prefers Vitamin C over antibiotics. It has both anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties. Hunter notes that it is extremely important to check ingredient labels. Good Vitamin C supplements should be 1000-4000 mg per day, ideally not from corn, and remember – cheaper is rarely better.

When applied topically, Vitamin C should come in powder form. In cream form, Vitamin C becomes oxidized and therefore weakened. While getting 5% or 10% is better than nothing, these levels are not strong enough to be antibiotic or therapeutic. For optimal results, try a 90% formulated powder by mixing it into your own serum.

5. Cut Down Dairy and Gluten
If experiencing acne, try stopping dairy and gluten. Dr. Hunter says that most of her
patients experience a decrease in acne when removing these two items from their diet. This elimination improves gut inflammation which is a usual trend in acne patients.

“People need to have core consciousness; don’t believe something just because someone told you – even me. What I tell people is: when you eat something, observe. Do you feel better? Feel what does good for you. At the end of the day you are the captain of your own ship.” – Julia T. Hunter M.D

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